Ways of Working: Cartoons and Contraband – A Master Class with Benjamin Dix


19 June: 11 – 12:30pm
The Ditch, Shoreditch Town Hall, 380 Old Street, London EC1V 9LT

Sometimes a simple, hand-drawn image conveys more meaning than glossy photographs and films. Benjamin Dix and the team at Positive Negatives, Ltd., use multimedia technology to tell new stories to represent global conflict, humanitarian and migration issues to wide and diverse audiences. In this Learning Lab, Benjamin walked us through a range of collaborative projects, which use mixed-methods of investigative journalism, ethnography, interactive comics, and face-to-face testimonials. www.positivenegatives.org

Learning Labs form part of the Out of Place Action-Research Platform (a project led by Counterpoints Arts’ Learning Lab, in partnership with Royal Holloway, University of London and FilmAid).
